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experiment that regularly produces valuation bubble and crash events. Global sessions involved real time trades between subjects …
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of linear autocorrelation, volatility clustering), trading volumes (volume clustering, correlation between volume and … volatility), and timing of trades (number of price changes, autocorrelation of durations between subsequent trades, heavy tail in …
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-determinant for the successful IPO deal completion. We propose the Ledenyov theory on the origins of the IPO underpricing and long …
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This paper suggests how to quantify asymmetries in volatility spillovers that emerge due to bad and good volatility … stocks at the disaggregate level. Moreover, the spillovers of bad and good volatility are transmitted at different magnitudes …
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improved ex-post volatility measurements but has also inspired research into their potential value as an informa-tion source … for longer horizon volatility forecasts. In this paper we explore the forecasting value of these high fre-quency series in … conjunction with a variety of volatility models for returns on the Standard & Poor's 100 stock index. We consider two so …
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EGARCH model. Empirical results indicate significant return and volatility spillover effects during the full sample and the …-movements, and strong volatility persistence. During the Russian Great Recession subsample, the ownreturn effects of the markets are … partially integrated and the volatility transmission linkages across them are not that strong in crises periods, thus confirming …
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We revisit and extend the study by Chordia et al. (2014) which documents that, in recent years, increased liquidity has significantly decreased exploitable returns of capital market anomalies in the US. Using a novel international dataset of arbitrage portfolio returns for four well-known...
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framework is a bivariate volatility model, where volatility spillovers of either positive or negative sign are allowed for. Our … countries. Regarding the volatility spillovers, such spillovers from bond returns to those of stocks are stronger than the other … results show that by considering time-varying return and volatility spillovers when calculating the risk-minimising portfolio …
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We revisit and extend the study by Chordia et al. (2014) which documents that, in recent years, increased liquidity has significantly decreased exploitable returns of capital market anomalies in the US. Using a novel international dataset of arbitrage portfolio returns for four well-known...
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discrimination, however, such equilibria can arise solely from the influence of asset price volatility on participants strategically … correlated with the degree of price volatility exhibited by the otherwise similar assets being financed by members of each of …
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