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in relation to their financial planning horizon. Modern Portfolio Theory predicts that households, in general, exhibit …
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This paper proposes an auxiliary particle filter algorithm for inference in regime switching stochastic volatility models in which the regime state is governed by a first-order Markov chain. We proposes an ongoing updated Dirichlet distribution to estimate the transition probabilities of the...
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In this study I apply forward sensitivity analysis to the dynamical system of nonlinear asset flow differential equations (AFDE). I find that all parameters in AFDE are needed and can be estimated from market prices and net asset values data. Moreover, the market price is the most fluctuating...
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Incomplete product availability is an important feature of many markets; ignoring changes in availability may bias demand estimates. We study a new dataset from a wireless inventory system installed on 54 vending machines to track product availability every four hours. The data allow us to...
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Incomplete product availability is an important feature of many markets; ignoring changes in availability may bias demand estimates. We study a new dataset from a wireless inventory system installed on 54 vending machines to track product availability every four hours. The data allow us to...
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