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the idiosyncratic errors of the panel. A remarkable result emerges. Under suitable regularity conditions the traditional …-sectional driven criteria suffice for consistent estimation of the number of factors, which is different from the traditional panel … data results. Finally, we also show that the panel data estimates improve upon the individual volatility estimates …
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work. Dynamic panel data models have become increasingly popular in macroeconomics to study common relationships across … countries or regions. This paper estimates dynamic panel data models with stochastic volatility by maximizing an approximate …
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Utilising data of the EU28 Member States for the period 1996–2015, this paper confirms the findings of previous studies that the stipulation of fiscal rules reduces fiscal volatility and consequently contributes to macroeconomic stability. Yet, we document that this result only holds for rules...
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We consider a new dataset that provides a description of the population of financial equity flows between developed countries from 2001 to 2018. We follow the standard practice of controlling for pull and push factors as well as gravity-style variables, while also accounting for the business...
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This paper develops a new framework and statistical tools to analyze stock returns using high-frequency data. We consider a continuous-time multifactor model via a continuous-time multivariate regression model incorporating realistic empirical features, such as persistent stochastic volatilities...
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volatility in developing and transition economies, using dynamic panel technique. According to an analysis of variance and …
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account impacts from oil price return and oil price volatility on forecast changes. The panel smooth transition regression …
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Conditional Heteroscedasticity [GARCH(1,1)] model and the standard deviation approach. To this end, the panel cointegration … 2001 to December 2014. The panel dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) and the panel fully modified ordinary squares (FMOLS …
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In the present paper the negative impact of interest rates on stock returns will be estimated for the European economies. Data are monthly during the year 2008 and cover the following countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The elaboration of...
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On BHPS data we measure various indices of social capital at the individual and household level, and use them as explanatory variables in standard consumption insurance tests. We find that two out of three aspects of social capital positively impact on consumption smoothing, by reducing the...
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