Showing 1 - 10 of 342
efficiency gains from trade liberalization in economies with a strong presence of SOEs? Using a new dataset of Vietnamese firms … characterizing SOEs operations in a model of trade with firm heterogeneity and show that they can hinder the selection effects of … openness and tame the aggregate productivity gains from trade. We empirically test these predictions analyzing the response of …
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We use 6-digit bilateral trade data to document the effect of WTO/GATT membership on the extensive and intensive … product margins of trade. We construct gravity equations for the two product margins motivated by Chaney (2008). The empirical … results show that standard gravity variables provide good explanatory power for bilateral trade on both margins. Importantly …
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efficiency gains from trade liberalization in economies with a strong presence of SOEs? Using a new dataset of Vietnamese firms … characterizing SOEs operations in a model of trade with firm heterogeneity and show that they can hinder the selection effects of … openness and tame the aggregate productivity gains from trade. We empirically test these predictions analyzing the response of …
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Many computable general equilibrium models have been set up recently, in order to assess the benefits of trade …
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This chapter surveys the literature on international trade and the protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in … the global economy. The discussion is organized around the major questions in the field. How does openness to trade affect … support the major arguments for and against the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS …
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In 2019 and the early months of 2020, global trade faced two major albeit very different shocks, namely the United … States-China trade war and the cascading response of the countries around the world to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the … broad swathe of tradeables that made a global trade environment highly unpredictable, the latter has seen entire production …
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We analyze the effects of the increase in China's import competition on Mexican domestic and international migration. We exploit the variation in exposure to competition from China, following its accession to the WTO in 2001, across Mexican municipalities and estimate the effect of international...
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century. Secondly, in one area of economic activity - trade in government procurement markets - the revised WTO Agreement on … Government Procurement (GPA) is emerging as a multi-dimensional tool of trade, governance and development. The thesis of this …
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In 2019 and the early months of 2020, global trade faced two major albeit very different shocks, namely the United … States-China trade war and the cascading response of the countries around the world to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the … broad swathe of tradeables that made a global trade environment highly unpredictable, the latter has seen entire production …
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