Showing 1 - 10 of 205
This study is one of a series that examines how technology adoption affects the skills of workers. Previous papers in the series have approached this issue in differentways with data from a variety of sources. Using data on the strategies and activities of small and medium-sized firms in both...
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The 1980s and 1990s have seen a rising share of skilled labour in total employment in the manufacturing sector of Canada. At the same time, the wage premium for skilled workers has increased, thereby increasing the inequality between skilled and unskilled workers. There is a disagreement about...
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Cette etude fait partie d' une serie de documents de recherche traitant de la facon dont l'adoption de la technologie influe sur les competences des travailleurs. Dans des documents anterieurs, nous avons aborde la question sous differents angles au moyen de donnees puisees a une diversite de...
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Les annees 1980 et 1990 ont vu progresser la part de la main-d'oeuvre qualifiee dans l'emploi total du secteur manufacturier canadien. Durant la meme periode, les salaires des travailleurs qualifies ont augmente, de sorte que l'inegalite entre travailleurs qualifies et non qualifies s'est...
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This study is one of a series that examines how technology adoption affects the skills of workers. Previous papers in the series have approached this issue in different ways with data from a variety of sources. Using data on the strategies and activities of small and medium-sized firms in both...
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The study examines the effects of cancer on the work status and annual earnings of cancer survivors who had a strong attachment to the labour market prior to their diagnosis. The comparison group consists of similar workers never diagnosed with cancer. The study is based on a Statistics Canada...
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L?etude examine les effets du cancer sur la situation d?emploi et sur les gains annuels des survivants du cancer qui avaient un niveau eleve de participation a la vie active avant leur diagnostic. Le groupe de controle est compose de travailleurs semblables qui n?ont jamais recu de diagnostic de...
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In Canada, the selection of economic immigrants throughout the 1990s and 2000s was based largely on the human capital model of immigration. This model posits that selecting immigrants with high levels of human capital is particularly advantageous in the long run. It is argued that higher...
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