Showing 1 - 10 of 1,613
We propose a Lagrange Multiplier test of the null hypothesis of cointegration in fractionally cointegrated models. The …
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We propose a Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test of the null hypothesis of cointegration in fractionally cointegrated models …
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study employed the smooth time-varying cointegration (TVC) and time-varying detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) methodology …
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particular, it explores finite-sample problems in the application of cointegration tests and shows how these may have affected … of cointegration tests in particular applied settings and provides information on the potential sources of size … distortion in these tests. Three case studies are presented. The first is the literature on cointegration and prediction of …
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1982Q2-2005Q4. Using cointegration and vector error-correction modeling approaches, we find considerable support for the …
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Several authors have recently investigated the predictability of exchange rates by fitting a sequence of long-horizon error-correction regressions. We show that such a procedure gives rise to spurious evidence of predictive power. A simulation study demonstrates that even when using this...
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This paper examines exchange-rate volatility with GARCH models using monthly exchange-rate return series from 1985:1 to 2011:7 for Naira/US dollar return and from 2004:1 to 2011:7 for Naira/British Pounds and Naira/Euro returns. The study compare estimates of variants of GARCH models with break...
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In this work, assuming as a model the Multifractional Processes with Random Exponent (MPRE), we propose a simulation algorithm able to replicate financial time series, specifically pertaining to the FX market. We show how, properly choosing the functional parameter of the MPRE, the simulated...
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We propose in this paper a likelihood-based framework forcointegration analysis in panels of a fixed number of vector errorcorrection models. Maximum likelihood estimators of thecointegrating vectors are constructed using iterated GeneralizedMethod of Moments estimators. Using these estimators...
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