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In the field of housing economics, there is a long traditionof evaluating housing outcomes for the entire populationand various subgroups by tracking four key variables, orconcepts: the physical adequacy of the occupied housingunit, the number of people living in the unit relative to thenumber...
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[...]In this paper, we update this affordability debateusing data from the 1990s. We follow Gyourko and Linneman(1993) in addressing the affordability issue by asking asimple question: Is a home of a given quality from ten ortwenty years ago more or less affordable today to a householdsimilarly...
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[...]The New York City Social Indicators Survey (SIS)project represents one effort to track the consequences ofpolicy reform and devolution for inequality and well-beingin the largest and most diverse city in the United States.The project uses a telephone survey to collect data from arepeated...
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[...]The purpose of this article is to develop a clearerpicture of the importance of payments services to the bankingindustry. This goal is served by taking a broad view of thepayments business and analyzing information provided bylarge bank holding companies (BHCs) in their annualreports. BHCs...
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[...]In this paper, I examine two methods of measuringthe value of better schools. One involves following individualsover time to determine how the quality of theirschooling affects outcomes later in their lives; the otherinvolves calculating parental valuation of better schoolstoday. I review...
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[...]The central point is simple: far and away themost important determinant of how quickly studentslearn is the effort of students themselves. It follows thatan increase in schools’ expectations of students couldhave important effects on the quality of public schooling.By establishing a...
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[...]In this study, we use recent historical evidence toexplore one dimension of the broad relationship betweenmarket returns and mutual fund flows: the effect of shorttermmarket returns on mutual fund flows. Research onthis issue has already confirmed high correlations betweenmarket returns and...
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This paper explores the connections betweenbroad economic indicators in the New Yorkmetropolitan region and their national counterparts.It compares the performance of theregion in recent years with that of the nation and assessesthe importance of national and local developments for thearea’s...
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The paper evaluates the performance of three popular monetary policy rules when the central bank is learning aboutthe parameter values of a simple New Keynesian model. The three policies are: (1) the optimal non-inertial rule; (2)the optimal history-dependent rule; (3) the optimal price-level...
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Traditional theories of the origins of the welfare state have emphasized the financial weakness of Britain’s largest provider of mutual insurance in the late 19th century, the friendly societies. These theories share common implications with contemporary theories of institutional change...
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