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) factors in global markets. The results provide convincing evidence that the value, profitability, and investment factors are …. Furthermore, most factor returns are driven by the smallest firms. Virtually no value or investment effects are present among the …
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study: (1) small and value stocks are less risky investment avenues than large and growth stocks, and (2) political …
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We examine the cross-section of international equity risk premia with machine learning methods. We identify, classify, and calculate 88 market characteristics and use them to forecast country returns with various machine learning techniques. While all algorithms produce substantial economic...
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To confront the challenge that disaster risk is “dark matter” in finance, we construct an objective measure of disaster risk, which is able to predict half of GDP crashes in a sample of 20 advanced economies between 1870 and 2021. Despite this significant predictability, we find no...
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We assess the impact of media sentiment on international equity prices using more than 4.5 million Reuters articles published across the globe between 1991 and 2015. News sentiment robustly predicts daily returns in both advanced and emerging markets, even after controlling for known...
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The average MRP used by analysts in the USA (5.1%) was similar to the one used by their colleagues in Europe (5.0%). But the average MRP used by companies in the USA (5.3%) was smaller than the one used by companies in Europe (5.7%), and UK (5.6%).The dispersion of the MRP used was high, but...
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firm-level profitability measures, calculated from different combinations of measures of earnings and scaling variables. We …
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Recent findings for the U.S. stock market indicate that cash-based profitability measures (i.e., profitability measures … that exclude accounting accruals) outperform measures of profitability that include accruals. We demonstrate that this … result also holds for international markets. In a comparison of different profitability definitions, we find that a factor …
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strategies. Motivated by these studies, we examine the relationship between cognitive biases and the profitability of price and … level of individualism in different countries is positively associated with the profitability of price and earnings momentum … correlated with price momentum profits. Collectively, our findings suggest that the variation in the profitability of price and …
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) and find that a modified MF which uses gross profits as a measure of profitability yields significant abnormal returns for …
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