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historical simulation and historical simulation methods is evaluated using regulatory back tests, unconditional and conditional …
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structural analysis and forecasting purposes. We study the evolution of inflation rates in several countries, using a novel model …Global developments play an important role in domestic inflation rates. Previous literature has found that a … substantial amount of the variation in a large set of national inflation rates can be explained by a single global factor. However …
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This paper considers the problem of model uncertainty in the case of multi-asset volatility models and discusses the use of model averaging techniques as a way of dealing with the risk of inadvertently using false models in portfolio management. Evaluation of volatility models is then considered...
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This paper considers the problem of forecasting real and financial macroeconomic variables across a large number of … ahead forecasts of real output, inflation, real equity prices, exchange rates and interest rates over the period 2004Q1 … output, inflation and real equity prices. …
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Forecasting the world economy is a difficult task given the complex interrelationships within and across countries …, first, at ranking various forecasting methods in terms of forecast accuracy and, second, at checking whether methods … forecasting di- rectly aggregate variables (direct approaches)out-perform methods based on the aggregation of country- specific …
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We observe that daily highs and lows of stock prices do not diverge over time and, hence, adopt the cointegration concept and the related vector error correction model (VECM) to model the daily high, the daily low, and the associated daily range data. The in-sample results attest the importance...
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This paper considers the problem of forecasting real and financial macroeconomic variables across a large number of …-quarters-ahead forecasts of real output, inflation, real equity prices, exchange rates, and interest rates over the period 2004:Q1-2005:Q4 …, especially for output, inflation, and real equity prices. …
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This paper examines China's influence on price shock transmission in the world oil markets. In this paper, its impact is studied by testing for cointegration, mapping causality using a technique called directed acyclic graphs (DAG), and integrating the results of DAG into an error correction...
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The role that the price of oil plays in economic analysis in central banks as well as in financial markets has evolved over time. Oil is not seen anymore just as a input to production but also as a barometer of global economic activity as well as a financial asset. A high frequency structural...
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By matching a large database of individual forecaster data with the universe of sizable natural disasters across 54 countries, we identify a set of new stylized facts: (i) forecasters are persistently heterogeneous in how often they issue or revise a forecast; (ii) information rigidity declines...
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