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In this paper, I have investigated the out of sample forecast performance for a case study on the determination of the nominal exchange rate for USD vis-à-vis IN¬R under VEC, VAR (in first difference) and Bayesian VAR specification with the help of set of economic theories. The forecast...
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residuals of our pooled estimated modelare stationary. This indicates that on a pooled time series levelthere is cointegration …
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the causality mainly runs from effective exchange rates to current accounts and occurs through valuation e ects. However …
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This paper studies dynamic relation, namely, two currencies of Korean won and Japanese yen, before and after the East Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. We conjecture that there exists a long-run relation between won and yen, which is characterized by a band-reverting-type dynamic...
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countries (Canada, Australia, Norway, Chile), over the period 1986-2015. To go beyond pure significance tests of Granger non-causality … and provide a relatively complete picture of the links, measures of the strength of causality for different horizons and … conditions and short-term interest rates) causality measures are considered, and allowance for “dollar effects” is made by …
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We provide an overview of the recent developments of the literature on the determinants of long-term capital flows, global imbalances, and valuation effects. We present the main stylized facts of the new international financial landscape in which external balance sheets of countries have grown...
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How does international financial integration affect national price levels? To analyze this question, this paper formulates a two-country open economy sticky-price model under either segmented or complete asset markets. It is shown that the effect of financial integration, i.e. moving from...
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We document that intraday currency returns display systematic reversals around the major benchmark fixings, characterized by an appreciation of the U.S. dollar pre-fix and a depreciation post-fix. We propose an explanation based on constrained intermediation by foreign exchange dealers....
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