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inclination to compete in the gender-balanced society. We also find that women's decisions in our experiment are optimal more …Can gender-balanced social norms mitigate the gender differences in competitiveness that are observed in traditional … patriarchic as well as in modern societies? We experimentally assess men's and women's preferences to compete in a traditional …
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We study how the presence of promotion competition in the labor market affects household specialization patterns. By embedding a promotion tournament model in a household setting, we show that specialization can emerge as a consequence of competitive work incentives. This specialization outcome,...
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with salivary progesterone when controlling for gender, the use of hormonal contraceptives, and demographics. This also … ; Gender ; Competition ; Aggression ; Dominance ; Risk-taking ; Endocrinological economics …
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We study the gender gap in a competitive environment by exploiting the “naturalistic experiment” of a TV game show with … self-selected participants and no gender-specific constraints nor discrimination. Games consist of multiple rounds where … round. Women earn 40% less than men and exit the game at a faster rate, but especially when in a minority. This latter …
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's substantive gender-related selection into competition. Nonetheless, women who are overconfident, i.e. over-estimate own abilities …This paper addresses the behavioral puzzle of women's preference for competition when competitors are also women. Using … in general, including ability, self-confidence and risk aversion, provide a satisfying explanation for women …
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We conduct three lab experiments and use field data from the Dutch Math Olympiad to study how the gender gap in … willingness to compete evolves in response to experience. The main result is that women are more likely than men to stop competing … experiment, we show that men are more likely than women to start and keep competing after receiving positive feedback. In a third …
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