Showing 1 - 10 of 525
In this paper we estimate the effects of an unconditional basic income on labor supply and income distribution with a special focus on the incentives to work in the family context. An unconditional basic income guarantees every citizen a minimum income without any means-testing. We simulate a...
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We analyze the labor supply and income effects of a needs-based minimum benefit system ('Bedarfsorientierte Mindestsicherung') to be introduced in Austria by the end of this/beginning of next year. The aim of this reform is to reduce poverty as well as increasing employment rates of recipients...
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Staatliche Instrumente zur Einkommenssicherung im Niedriglohnbereich durch 'Kombilohn-Modelle' existieren auch in Deutschland schon seit längerem und wurden im Zuge der jüngsten Arbeitsmarktreformen ausgeweitet. Aktuelle Reformvorschläge für Deutschland zielen zum einen auf die...
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This paper investigates the question whether long-term human capital outcomes are affected by the duration of maternity leave, i.e. by the time mothers spend at home with their newborn before returning to work. Employing RD and difference-in-difference approaches, this paper exploits an...
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This paper offers quasi experimental evidence of the existence of spillover effects of UI extensions using a unique program that extended unemployment benefits drastically for a subset of workers in selected regions of Austria. We use non-eligible unemployed in treated regions, and a...
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Die Arbeitsmarktreformen von 2003 bis 2005 haben entscheidend zu einer bemerkenswerten Trendumkehr auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt beigetragen und damit auch einen wichtigen Beitrag geleistet, das Land besser auf die Konsequenzen des bevorstehenden demografischen Wandels vorzubereiten. Die...
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Using SOEP panel data and difference-in-differences methods, this study is the first to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of four different health care cost containment measures within an integrated framework. The four measures investigated were introduced in Germany in 1997 to reduce moral...
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Die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie ist seit einiger Zeit eines der wichtigsten familienpolitischen Ziele. Zum einen, weil es Eltern, insbesondere Müttern, erleichtert werden soll, erwerbstätig zu sein. Zum anderen, weil die Hoffnung besteht, dass die Geburtenrate steigt, wenn berufliche...
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We analyse how alternative reforms of the student financial aid would influence average study duration, government expenditures, and tax revenues. We also consider the reform that has been proposed by the current government (in 2016) which consists of lowering the monthly student grant and...
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We provide a novel interpretation of the estimated treatment effects from evaluations of parental leave reforms. Accounting for the counterfactual mode of care is crucial in the analysis of child outcomes and potential mediators. We evaluate a large and generous parental leave extension in...
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