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The persistently low and (partly) negative output growth in Germany in 2019 evoked memories of the recent global economic crisis and, by this, sparked debates about measures to counter the growing number of unemployed, for example changing the generosity of unemployment benefits (UB) and...
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The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 increased the U.S. nominal minimumwage by 41 percent, just as interest rates hit the Zero LowerBound. I study the interaction of these events in a parsimonious extensionof the sticky-price New Keynesian model with heterogeneous labor.A “minimum-wage...
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The Obama stimulus package has been less than a total success if one is to compare what was predicted to what has been delivered to date. The crux of the problem is that the economic planners have ignored or failed to take into account the secondary effects that increased government spending has...
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We develop a money-in-the-utility-function model with two features. One is that a Phillips curve relationship between nominal wages and unemployment appears because of efficiency wages. The other is that as in the Japanese economy since the early 1990s, unemployment attributable to aggregate...
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We evaluate the direct employment effect of the public investment in key infrastructure—electricity, roads, schools and hospitals, and water and sanitation. Using rich firm-level panel data from 41 countries over 19 years, we estimate that US$1 million of public spending in infrastructure...
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This paper analyzes the heterogeneous effects of monetary policy on workers with different levels of labor force attachment. Exploiting variation in labor market tightness across metropolitan areas, we show that the employment of populations with lower labor force attachment--Blacks, high school...
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Using a dynamic optimization model with status preference this paper shows that depending on the object of people's status preference an economy exhibits a completely opposite performance; permanent growth or persistent stagnation. If the object is a producible asset (viz. real capital), new...
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According to the mainstream view, labour market institutions (LMI) are the key determinants of unemployment in the medium run. The actual empirical explanatory power of measures for labour market institutions, however, has been called into question recently (Baker et al 2005, Baccaro and Rei...
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We estimate the dynamic multiplier effect of public investment in Spain. To this aim, we employ annual data of the … infrastructure investment, INFINV, and in social investment, SOCINV. Thus, we analyze the dynamic multiplier effect of INFINV and …
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countries with the mean level of economic freedom had a fiscal multiplier of around 1.0, when economic freedom is at the highest … level of the sample the multiplier is around 0.6. Results show the inverse relationship between the fiscal multiplier and … the level of economic freedom, that is, the higher the level of economic freedom, the lower the multiplier …
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