Showing 1 - 10 of 513
Zentrale Maßnahmen zur Überwindung der Bankenkrisen der 90er Jahre in Schweden und Finnland waren in beiden Ländern der Aufkauf von "schlechten Papieren" durch Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaften ("Bad Banks") und die Verstaatlichung von wichtigen Banken. Aus finnischer und schwedischer Sicht...
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Angesichts der ausbleibenden Stabilisierung des Bankensektors in Deutschland konzentriert sich die öffentliche Diskussion immer mehr auf die Möglichkeiten zur Auslagerung der Problemaktiva in Bad Banks. Dazu wird hier ein Modell vorgestellt. Kernpunkte sind eine Wertberichtigung der...
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Den Landesbanken fehlt ein sinnvolles und tragfähiges Geschäftsmodell. Die internationale Finanzkrise hat dies in aller Schärfe deutlich gemacht. Bereits vor der Abschaffung der umfassenden staatlichen Haftungsbedingungen im Jahr 2005 galten einzelne Kreditinstitute aus der Gruppe der...
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This paper tests financial contagion due to interbank linkages. For identification we exploit an idiosyncratic, sudden shock caused by a large-bank failure in conjunction with detailed data on interbank exposures. First, we find robust evidence that higher interbank exposure to the failed bank...
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This paper reviews the economic effects of the EU Savings Taxation Directive. The Directive aims at enabling taxation of foreign interest payments received by individuals in accordance with the rules of their State of residence. The data suggest that the Directive, which is based on automatic...
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Banking regulators often practice forbearance and ambiguity in insolvency resolutions. The paper examines the effects of regulatory forbearance and ambiguity in a context of allocational efficiency. Bailouts, liquidations and their stochastic policy mix lead to suboptimal allocations if banks do...
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Financial intermediaries may increase economic efficiency through intertemporal risk smoothing. However without an adequate regulation, intermediation may fail to do this. This paper studies the effects of a production shock in a closed economy and compares abilities of market-based and...
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With banking sectors worldwide still suffering from the effects of the financial crisis, public discussion of plans to place toxic assets in one or more bad banks has gained steam in recent weeks. The following paper presents a plan how governments can efficiently relieve ailing banks from toxic...
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Governments on both sides of the Atlantic have reacted with a raft of new regulations to the US subprime mortgage crisis. The article argues that while these new rules actually touch many of the incentive and information problems which were instrumental in creating the crisis, they only address...
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This paper presents an analysis of pension funds' performance in Poland and Hungary, two Central European countries characterized by strong regulation of their private pension fund industries. Thus, the paper extends the literature which has so far mostly focused on performance of pension fund...
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