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states with a shift of program financial resources away from children toward nonaged nondisabled adults. We examine Medicaid … expenditures per capita for beneficiary categories including children, aged adults, and the disabled, as well as for nonaged … shift of financial resources away from children in expansion states. States that expanded Medicaid per the terms of the ACA …
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the structure of market demand. And Medicare in particular does so in a way that gives a very large subsidy to patented ….S. policy provides to pharmaceutical companies. By not recognizing the Medicare innovation subsidy, policymakers have ignored …. This extra innovation subsidy may open the policy space for hybrid proposals that combine expanded government insurance …
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affected adult outcomes of individuals born between 1979 and 1993 who gained access to coverage in utero and as children. We …
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Risk classification refers to the use of observable characteristics by insurers to group individuals with similar expected claims, to compute the corresponding premiums, and thereby to reduce asymmetric information. Permitting risk classification may reduce informational asymmetry-induced...
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We study the effect of the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion on coverage dynamics following the sudden loss of coverage from an employer plan. This analysis leverages novel administrative data capturing monthly health insurance coverage for the U.S. population. Using these data, we...
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This paper studies how better access to public health insurance affects infant mortality during pandemics. Our analysis combines cross-state variation in mandated eligibility for Medicaid with two influenza pandemics - the 1957-58 "Asian Flu" pandemic and the 1968-69 "Hong Kong Flu" - that...
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We estimate the effect of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion on county-level mortality in the first four years following expansion. We find a reduction in all-cause mortality in ages 20 to 64 equaling 11.36 deaths per 100,000 individuals, a 3.6 percent decrease. This estimate is largely...
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We provide new insights regarding the finding that Medicaid increased emergency department (ED) use from the Oregon experiment. We find meaningful heterogeneous impacts of Medicaid on ED use using causal machine learning methods. The treatment effect distribution is widely dispersed, and the...
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We provide new insights regarding the finding that Medicaid increased emergency department (ED) use from the Oregon experiment. We find meaningful heterogeneous impacts of Medicaid on ED use using causal machine learning methods. The treatment effect distribution is widely dispersed, and the...
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This paper investigates the impact of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) dependent coverage mandate on health insurance coverage rates and health care utilization among young adults. Using data from the Medical Panel Expenditure Survey, I exploit the discontinuity in health insurance coverage...
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