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We use U.S. county-level data to estimate convergence rates for 22 individual states. We find significant heterogeneity. E.g., the California estimate is 19.9 percent and the New York estimate is 3.3 percent. Convergence rates are essentially uncorrelated with income levels
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In this paper we outline (i) why sigma-convergence may not accompany beta-convergence, (ii) discuss evidence of beta-convergence in the U.S., and (iii) use U.S. county-level data containing over 3,000 cross-sectional observations to demonstrate that sigma-convergence cannot be detected at the...
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We use U.S. county-level data containing 1,921 cross-sectional observations and up to 29 conditioning variables to estimate heterogeneity in convergence rates across 22 individual U.S. states. Applying GMM estimation, we find significant heterogeneity in the state-level convergence rates. For...
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We use U.S. county data (3,058 observations) and 41 conditioning variables to study growth and convergence. Using OLS and 3SLS-IV we report on the full sample and metro, non-metro, and 5 regional samples: (1) OLS yields convergence rates around 2 percent; 3SLS yields 6-8 percent; (2) convergence...
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In this paper we outline (i) why sigma-convergence may not accompany beta-convergence, (ii) discuss evidence of beta-convergence in the U.S., and (iii) use U.S. county-level data containing over 3,000 cross-sectional observations to demonstrate that sigma-convergence has not occurred at the...
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We use U.S. county-level data consisting of 3,058 observations, to study growth determination and measure the speed of income convergence. County-level data are particularly valuable for studying convergence because they allow us to study a sample with substantial homogeneity and exceptional...
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The majority of Central and Eastern European post-socialist countries acceded to the European Union in 2004. The integration of these economies to the Union had begun earlier, which was strengthened by grants from the Structural Funds after the accession. One of their aims is to facilitate the...
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The article provides an assessment of the regional convergence process between the Western European regions since the 1950s. Two sets of issues are addressed: (a) Is there sufficient evidence of regional convergence? If so, has the speed of convergence changed over time and is this speed...
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The article provides an assessment of the regional convergence process between the Western European regions since the 1950s. Two sets of issues are addressed: (a) Is there sufficient evidence of regional convergence? If so, has the speed of convergence changed over time and is this speed...
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Core infrastructure, which covers transportation, information and communication (ICT), energy, water and sanitation systems, plays a significant role in economic growth. The development of core infrastructure - one of the European Union (EU) Cohesion Policy (CP) priorities - is heavily funded....
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