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There are many empirical studies trying to test if there is income convergence across the provinces of China. In this … interprovincial inequalities have been widening since 1978.In addition, we also examine the determinants of conditional convergence in …
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the context of the spatial autoregressive model of GDP per capita convergence of European regions at NUTS 2 level. By … contribution to the process of convergence by reinforcing economic growth of neighboring regions. Results are even more pronounced … when the convergence in wage per worker is considered. The choice of kernel functions does not significantly effect …
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The central limit theorem says that, provided an estimator fulfills certain weak conditions, then, for reasonable sample sizes, the sampling distribution of the estimator converges to normality. We propose a procedure to find out what a “reasonably large sample size” is. The procedure is...
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In this paper we present a two-country dynamic general equilibrium model of ex ante unequally developed countries. The model explains a key feature recently observed in transition economies – the long-run trend real exchange rate appreciation – through investments into quality. Our...
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particular emphasis on the impact of productivity convergence and effects of timing of trade and financial liberalization on the … convergence patterns. We compare the mechanisms behind the three investment margins (horizontal investment to new varieties …
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We study the convergence of European bond markets and the anchoring of inflation expectations in euro area countries …) has led to substantial convergence in euro area sovereign bond markets in terms of interest rate levels, unconditional …
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-capita output convergence across a large sample of European regions during the period 1995-2005. We find that net fiscal transfers …, while achieving regional redistribution, seem to impede output growth and promote an “immiserising convergence”: output …
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This paper analyses the determinants of inflation differentials and price levels across the euro area countries. Dynamic panel estimations for the period 1999-2006 show that inflation differentials are primarily determined by cyclical positions and inflation persistence. The persistence in...
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mobility. Although rapid growth has resulted in convergence among ASEAN members, it has also increased polarization within …
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