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A. Hansen's gross error concerning J M Keynes's analysis in chapter 14 on pp. 180-181 of the General Theory in his A Guide to Keynes changed the course of economic thought and economic history for the worse due to the millions of economics students who, instead of reading the General Theory,...
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Die Begriffe Wohlfahrt und Wohlstand werden in ihrem dogmenhistorischen Entstehungskontext untersucht. Dabei wird zum einen der Schwerpunkt auf die von den Physiokraten, aber auch von John Stuart Mill, W. Stanley Jevons und sogar von deutschen Ordoliberalen thematisierten Wachstumsgrenzen gelegt...
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This chapter surveys the classificatory approaches of business cycles and crises theories found in dictionary articles. These are found to belong to a surprisingly small number of types. At first, dictionary writers only cited the theories they wanted to disprove. Then (especially in Germany in...
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Die Begriffe Wohlfahrt und Wohlstand werden in ihrem dogmenhistorischen Entstehungskontext untersucht. Dabei wird zum einen der Schwerpunkt auf die von den Physiokraten, aber auch von John Stuart Mill, W. Stanley Jevons und sogar von deutschen Ordoliberalen thematisierten Wachstumsgrenzen gelegt...
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This paper discusses the similarities and differences in the plurality of practices regarding the use of interviews by historians of economics - i.e., either the use of someone else's interviews as sources or the use of interviews conducted by the historian for her or his work.
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Formal analysis, in which maximizing agents use today's "true" model of the economy to form expectation upon which they then base their behaviour, trivializes the role of the future in economic life and ignores the possibility that the past's models, which helped generate the data against which...
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In den Wirtschaftswissenschaften lassen sich zwei Theorietypen unterscheiden: Die "idealistische Ökonomie" geht von einem Idealzustand aus und untersucht die Bedingungen, unter denen dieser erreicht werden kann wie die Eigenschaften des "homo oeconomicus". Die "realistische Ökonomie" geht vom...
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The positions of British and German economists on public debt in the long 19th century differed substantially from each other. While British classical economists regarded any public debt as ruinous for the country, German economists promoted debt accumulation for productivity-enhancing public...
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