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An analysis of Confucius and Smith demonstrates that both are presenting arguments that are extremely close in their conclusions.The Analects present a powerful case against utilitarian ethics in a manner which is very similar to Smith's argument against utilitarianism.Smith and Confucius...
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J M Keynes's approach to the use of mathematics is based on his interactions with Bertrand Russell, Alfred North Whitehead, William Ernest Johnson, C. D. Broad, G. E. Moore, and Alfred Marshall. His views were carefully expressed in the A Treatise on Probability and General Theory. Keynes...
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Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) provided a general analysis of virtue ethics (prudence, temperance, courage, justice, benevolence, where Smith combined the virtues of temperance and courage into the virtue of self command) that was applied to all areas of a human society...
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Adam Smith’s version of Virtue Ethics can be traced directly back to Plato (Socrates) and Aristotle. Smith basically skipped Aquinas and Augustine because they were also Catholic theologians, as well as philosophers. Referencing them would not have been looked upon kindly by the Scottish...
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Jeremy Bentham’s Utilitarian tracts The Principles of Morals and Legislation and In Defense of Usury contains an explicit attack on Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations on pages 8-23 in chapter Two of The Principles of Morals and Legislation, as well as on...
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J. Muth's 1961 article on rational expectations was written without any knowledge on Muth's part about what a subjective theory of probability entails and is based on, or what an objective theory of probability entails and is based on. Muth's disbelief, that the individual, subjective...
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