Showing 2,111 - 2,120 of 2,120
Seit die EU-Regierungschefs im Dezember 1997 in Luxemburg die Weichen für die Osterweiterung gestellt haben, steht fest, daß Ungarn zu den ersten Ländern gehören wird, mit denen die Gemeinschaft Beitrittsgespräche führen wird. Nach den Stabilisierungsmaßnahmen und Strukturreformen der...
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This article illustrates changing growth regimes in Uganda from pro-poor growth in the 1990s to growth without poverty reduction, actually even a slight increase in poverty, after 2000. Not surprisingly, we find that good agricultural performance is the key determinant of direct pro-poor growth...
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Die drei baltischen Staaten Estland, Lettland und Litauen galten bisher als Musterländer für den erfolgreichen Umbau einer sozialistischen Wirtschaftsordnung zu einer funktionstüchtigen Marktwirtschaft. In nur wenigen Jahren nach ihrer Unabhängigkeit von der Sowjetunion im Jahr 1991 gelang...
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Austerity measures alone will not suffice to generate the growth needed for recovery in Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy. A European Recovery Programme is necessary to stimulate growth through structural reforms and fiscal stimulus. This contribution describes policy areas where non-fiscal...
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Highlights: - The European Union growth agenda has become even more pressing because growth is needed to support public and private sector deleveraging, reduce the fragility of the banking sector, counter the falling behind of southern European countries and prove that Europe is still a...
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China's economic development has been exceptionally robust since the end of the 1970s, and the country has already emerged as the second biggest economy in the world. In this study, we seek to illuminate the role of the monetary policy in this successful economic performance and as a part of the...
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Kapitel 1. Einleitung -- Kapitel 2. Exportorientierte Wachstumsstrategie und staatliche Qualität -- Kapitel 3. Kreislaufwirtschaft und Öko-Industriepark -- Kapitel 4. Unternehmerische Ökosysteme - Kapitel 5. Schlussfolgerungen. .
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Foreign direct investment (FDI) has boomed in post-reform India. Moreover, the composition and type of FDI has changed considerably since India has opened up to world markets. This has fuelled high expectations that FDI may serve as a catalyst to higher economic growth. We assess the growth...
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Cross-country growth regressions have in recent years become a major growth industry. The most common purpose of this work has been to investigate the determinants of economic growth. But it is also possible to use the existing growth data to determine the extent to which policy choices help or...
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