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This paper argues that currently advanced, aging economies experienced a qualitative change in the role of public education during the process of industrialization. In the early phases of the Industrial Revolution, public education was regarded as a duty that regulated child labor and thereby...
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In this briefly note we extend the Mountford.s article "Can a Brain Drain be good for growth in the source economy?" by introducing an active role of the government in the education decisions of the agent by public education, taxes and subsidies. First, we demonstrate that the main results...
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This study has evaluated the General and Sector Budget Support operations undertaken in Tanzania from 2005/06 to 2011/12. These operations amount to a resource transfer of almost US$5,000 million - an annual average disbursement of US$ 694 million, some $16 per annum per head of the Tanzanian...
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Es ist höchste Zeit, in die Digitalisierung des Bildungssystems zu investieren. Gleichzeitig sollten die Bildungschancen benachteiligter Kinder durch frühkindliche, schulische und außerschulische Unterstützung gefördert werden. Deutschlandweite Zwischen- und Abschlussprüfungen sowie...
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Wie die PISA-Studien belegen, zählt in Deutschland etwa jeder fünfte Jugendliche zur Gruppe der »Risikoschüler«, die nur unzureichende Bildung erhält. In einer aktuellen Studie, die das ifo Institut im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung verfasst hat, wurden die daraus erwachsenden...
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Since the outbreak of the financial crisis Croatia has faced negative growth rates and Foreign Direct Investment has not recovered since. This has resulted in a steadily growing brain drain of highly qualified labor. The economy’s international competitiveness has been decreasing for quite...
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