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This paper explores the stability of the stationary state for a dynamic growth model with wealth and human capital …
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We prove a generalized, multi-factor version of the Uzawa steady-state growth theorem. The theorem implies that neoclassical growth models need at least three factors of production to be consistent with empirical evidence on both the capital-labor elasticity of substitution and the existence of...
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perspectives. Next, the paper shows that the super-multiplier is a micro-economically coherent theory of investment and capital …
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In this work we deal with the Solow-Swan economic growth model, when the labor force is ruled by the Malthusian law added by a constant migration rate I. Considering a Cobb-Douglas production function, we prove some stability issues and find a closed-form solution for the emigration case,...
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In this paper we introduce a labor supply based on Malthusian ideas in the Solow-Swan growth model (without technical progress). We show that this model may yield several steady state values of per capita income and that an increase in total factor productivity might decrease the capital-labor...
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role in neoclassical growth theory. We show that (i) many neoclassical growth theories can be classified as "theories of …
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both the capital-labor elasticity of substitution and the declining price of investment relative to consumption, In a three …-factor model calibrated to US data, medium-run fluctuations in the investment price explain labor share movements from 1960 …
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This paper incorporates a task-based approach into a neoclassical model and analyze how automation affects economic growth. We found that if task producers smoothly adopt automation technology along the capital accumulation path, sustained growth is possible even without technological progress....
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The following article deals with the basic Solow model of economic growth for the states of the EU-28 and empirically confirms its conclusions. Based on growth accounting, and by analyzing different determinants of the respective steady states of each country, we confirm the importance of...
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stagnation. The reason is that automation suppresses wages, which are the only source of investment in the overlapping …
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