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Several empirical studies are concerned with measuring the effect of currency and current account crises on economic growth. Using different empirical models this paper serves two aspects. It provides an explicit assessment of country specific factors influencing the costs of crises in terms of...
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International analysis of economic growth has confirmed the theoretical assumption that international variations in per capita income can to a large extent be explained by differences in the accumulation of capital and human capital and by differing rates of technological progress. However,...
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This paper offers a concise survey on the literature of growth empirics applying to DCs. It is argued that there is a number of important stylised facts of economic growth relevant to DCs which are not included in the corresponding lists of Kaldor and Romer. In contrary to the usual procedure,...
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We examine the effect of generalized trust on long-term economic growth. Unlike in previous studies, we use Bayesian model averaging to deal rigorously with model uncertainty and attendant omitted variable bias. In addition, we address endogeneity and assess whether the effect of trust on growth...
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This paper revisits the two-equation model of Carree, van Stel, Thurik and Wennekers (2002) where deviations from the ‘equilibrium’ rate of business ownership play a central role determining both the growth of business ownership and that of economic development. Two extensions of the...
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In the paper a growth model is developed which admits endogenous growth. Endogenous growth is due to simultaneous efficient accumulation of physical as well as human capital. In contrast to similar growth models, we assume that output can be transformed into either physical or human capital...
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Thailand's development strategy has been strongly market-oriented and open to trade and investment flows with the rest of the world. Since the late 1950s, its growth performance has been outstanding. Poverty incidence has declined dramatically, but economic inequality has increased. Economic...
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The search for growth-promoting policies is found to demand knowledge of how growth depends upon actions of entrepreneurs and how these actions depend upon the prevailing institutions. While institutions have extensively been examined for their influences upon the freedoms and the incentives of...
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Im März 2017 wurden die Ergebnisse für das Wirtschaftswachstum im Jahr 2015 auf der Ebene der Bundesländer außergewöhnlich kräftig überarbeitet. Neben den üblichen Anpassungen aufgrund neu verfügbarer Daten dürften hierfür unter anderem Schwierigkeiten bei der Schätzung der...
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Wachstum und sektoraler Wandel allein haben in näherer Zukunft wahrscheinlich keinen dämpfenden Effekt auf die globalen Treibhausgasemissionen. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt, dass Carbon Leakage ein Phänomen ist, welches auch im Kontext der Umwelt-Kuznets-Kurve relevant ist. Werden...
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