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Oil traders find it challenging to process all information and choose which sources to follow.Inventories represent a perfect source, as they provide important information regarding realagents' intertemporal decisions and can easily be observed in real time. However, inventoriesdo not contain...
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This paper provides novel insights into the dynamic properties of variance and semivariance premia. Considering nine international stock market indices, we find consistent evidence of significantly negative total and downside (semi)variance premia of around -15 bps per month. These premia almost...
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We revisit the concept of the cost of hedging inflation risks put forward in Bodie (1976). When doing so, we employ a time-varying vector autoregressive model to describe the dynamics of asset returns. We estimate this model by means of the kernel-based methods discussed in Giraitis et al....
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Currency carry trading presents a widespread trading strategy and refers to the forward premium puzzle. Investors borrow low-yielding currencies with the aim to invest in high-yielding ones in order to benefit from arbitrage opportunities. This implies that a one-to-one relationship does not...
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The objective of this study is to analyze how financial connectedness impacts equity markets and potentially raises the cost of equity for firms that are more dependent on the financial sector. We apply the Diebold and Yilmaz (2014) methodology to daily stock prices of the largest 40 U.S....
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This paper studies the co-movement of global yield curve dynamics using a Bayesian hierarchical factor model augmented with macroeconomic fundamentals. Our data-driven approach is able to pin down the drivers of yield curve dynamics and produce plausible term premium estimates. We reveal the...
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In this paper, I have investigated the out of sample forecast performance for a case study on the determination of the nominal exchange rate for USD vis-à-vis IN¬R under VEC, VAR (in first difference) and Bayesian VAR specification with the help of set of economic theories. The forecast...
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We quantify the causal link between exchange rate movements and sovereign risk of 16 major emerging market economies (EMEs) by means of structural vector autoregressive models (SVARs) using data from 10/2004 through 12/2016. We apply a novel data based identification approach of the structural...
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A new test for constant correlation is proposed. Based on the bivariate Student-t distribution, this test is derived as Lagrange multiplier (LM) test. Whereas most of the traditional tests (e.g. Jennrich, 1970, Tang, 1995 and Goetzmann, Li & Rouwenhorst, 2005) specify the unknown correlations as...
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The misevaluation of risk in securitized financial products is central to understanding the financial crisis of 2007 - 8. This paper characterizes the evolution of factors affecting collateralized debt obligations based on subprime mortgages. A key feature of subprime-mortgage backed indices is...
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