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We examine the effect of generalized trust on long-term economic growth. Unlike in previous studies, we use Bayesian … endogeneity and assess whether the effect of trust on growth is causal. Examining more than forty regressors for nearly fifty … countries, we show that trust exerts a positive effect on long-term growth and, based on the posterior inclusion probabilities …
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We examine the effect of generalized trust on long-term economic growth. Unlike in previous studies, we use Bayesian … endogeneity and assess whether the effect of trust on growth is causal. Examining more than forty regressors for nearly fifty … countries, we show that trust exerts a positive effect on long-term growth and, based on the posterior inclusion probabilities …
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This survey reviews the recent research on trust, institutions and growth. It discusses the various measures of trust … and documents the substantial heterogeneity of trust across space and time. The conceptual mechanisms and the methods … employed to identify the causal impact of trust on economic performance are reviewed. We document the mechanisms of …
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This paper analyzes the intertemporal variation of trust on economic growth. Constructing a unique global country panel … trust and growth.3 Only a minority of global economies can attain a position close to or above the optimum threshold for … trust and growth. Most economies, in fact, fall well below that threshold, and for them, it is incumbent to consider trust …
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This survey reviews the recent research on trust, institutions, and economic development. It discusses the various … measures of trust and documents the substantial heterogeneity of trust across space and time. The conceptual mechanisms that … explain the influence of trust on economic performance and the methods employed to identify the causal impact of trust on …
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Societies in Western civilisation enforce their rules through formal institutions such as secularism (SES), whereas in less developed civilisations often rely on informal institutions such as religion (RES). The present paper attempts to explain the determinants of societies’ choice between...
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The fundamental, underlying factors of development are often neglected when analyzing the question why countries experience a growth slowdown at the middle-income range. Although these so-called `deep determinants' such as geography and institutions have been found to be decisive for the break...
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The so-called 'deep determinants' of economic growth and development (namely, geography, institutions, and integration) have been found to be decisive for the break out of stagnation and for explaining cross-country income differences by many empirical studies. However, so far, very little has...
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Economic freedom and economic growth can be connected in most countries, but it is often necessary to specify those aspects of economic freedom that can foster economic growth. This paper examines the nexus between economic freedom and economic growth in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs)...
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Exploiting a novel geo-referenced data set of population diversity across ethnic groups, this research advances the hypothesis and empirically establishes that variation in population diversity across human societies, as determined in the course of the exodus of human from Africa tens of...
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