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This book presents in detail methodologies for the Bayesian estimation of single-regime and regime-switching GARCH … the Bayesian paradigm for inference. The next three chapters describe the estimation of the GARCH model with Normal … applications of the Bayesian estimation of GARCH models. We show how agents facing different risk perspectives can select their …
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We explore whether modelling parameter time variation improves the point, interval and density forecasts of nine major exchange rates vis-a-vis the US dollar over the period 1976-2015. We find that modelling parameter time variation is needed for an accurate calibration of forecast confidence...
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policy analysis, spillover analysis, and forecasting applications of the estimated model are demonstrated, based on a …
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We explore whether modelling parameter time variation improves the point, interval and density forecasts of nine major exchange rates vis-a-vis the US dollar over the period 1976-2015. We find that modelling parameter time variation is needed for an accurate calibration of forecast confidence...
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This study tested the unbiased pricing hypothesis, the theory of storage, and the ability of past futures’ prices to forecast future changes in spot prices in the copper, aluminum, nickel and lead markets for the period October 2011 through May 2021. Wavelets and a time-varying parameter model...
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examine how model specifications and prior choices affect the forecasting performance for GDP growth, inflation, and a short … forecasting inflation. It also has the best density forecast performance for output growth and the interest rate. Adding foreign …
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This paper examines the impact of climate shocks on 13 European economies analysing jointly business and financial cycles, in different phases and disentangling the effects for different sector channels. A Bayesian Panel Markov-switching framework is proposed to jointly estimate the impact of...
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Models based on economic theory have serious problems at forecasting exchange rates better than simple univariate … forecasting. In addition, we adopt a driftless random walk prior, so that cross-dynamics matter for forecasting only if there is … at 1-step ahead. -- Exchange rates ; Forecasting ; Bayesian VAR …
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In this article, we present a new perspective on forecasting technology adoption, focused on the extensive margin of …
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This paper shows that oil shocks primarily impact economic growth through the conditional variance of growth. Our comparison of models focuses on density forecasts. Over a range of dynamic models, oil shock measures and data we fi nd a robust link between oil shocks and the volatility of...
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