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As part of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) program, the European Commission has pledged to issue up to EUR 250 billion of the NGEU bonds as green bonds, in order to confirm their commitment to sustainable finance and to support the transition towards a greener Europe. Thereby, the EU is not only...
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I examine 468 estimates on the relationship between trading volume and stock returns reported in 44 studies. I deploy recent nonlinear techniques for detecting publication bias together with Bayesian and frequentist model averaging to evaluate the heterogeneity in the estimates. The results...
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This study investigates the impact of commodity price volatility spillovers on financial sector stability. Specifically, the study investigates the spillover effects between oil and food price volatility and the volatility of a key macroeconomic indicator of importance to financial stability:...
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Government interventions such as bailouts are often implemented in times of high uncertainty. Policymakers may therefore rely on information from financial markets to guide their decisions. We propose a model in which a policymaker learns from market activity and where market participants have...
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Using a sample of U.S. international equity mutual funds, we show that funds that hire sub-advisors abroad do not outperform. For example, funds that hire outsourced international sub-advisors underperform on a risk-adjusted basis by up to 126 bps annually, relative to funds that do not...
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We demonstrate that firm-specific momentum profits are predictable across a wide range of international equity markets when combining information given in a multitude of stock characteristics. This predictor is comparatively simple to compute and can yield significant positive out-of-sample...
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We study the emergence of satellite imagery of parking lot traffic across major retailers as a source of alternative data in capital markets. While satellite imagery signals embed timely information for quarterly earnings announcements, stock prices do not incorporate this information prior to...
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High momentum returns cannot be explained by risk factors, but they are negatively skewed and subject to occasional severe crashes. I explore the timing of momentum crashes and show that momentum strategies tend to crash in 1-3 months after the local stock market plunge. Next, I propose a simple...
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Using survey data from a sample of senior investment professionals from mainstream (i.e. not SRI funds) investment organizations we provide insights into why and how investors use reported environmental, social and governance (ESG) information. Relevance to investment performance is the most...
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We document the negative effect of stock liquidity on default risk for a sample of 46 countries. We further find that default risk declines following the introduction of the Directive on Markets in Financial Instruments (MiFID)—an exogenous shock that increases liquidity. The effect of...
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