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We study how shifting global macroeconomic conditions affect sovereign bond prices. Bondholders earn premia for two sources of systematic risk: exposure to low-frequency changes in the state of the economy, as captured by expected macroeconomic growth and volatility, and exposure to...
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We discuss the idea of a purely algorithmic universal world iCurrency set forth in: "" and expanded in: "" in light of recent developments, including Libra. Is...
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Dynamics of credit markets impact almost all participants in financial markets. Yet, despite rapidly growing international credit markets, we know little about the dynamics of global credit markets, as most studies focus on the US. Here, I propose a new distance-to-default model, empirically...
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The fallback "Libor adjustment spread" spread to be used for calculating Libor replacement rates in the future isdefined as the median (50%-th percentile) of five years of historicalobservations of the spread between Libor and compounded OIS rates,calculated on the future date of Libor cessation...
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We construct variance risk premiums for the nine major emerging markets of Brazil, China, India, South Korea, Mexico, Poland, Russia, South Africa, and Taiwan from 2000 to 2017 using the sample-extension methodology in Lynch and Wachter (2013). Both the emerging market and developed market...
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This paper explores the contagious propagation of jumps among international stock market indices by exploiting a rich panel of stock and options data. We propose a multivariate option pricing model designed to allow for, but not superimpose, time and space amplification of jumps in option...
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Using the contingent claim approach and market data on sovereign credit default swaps we assess the drivers of a country s risk perception. Deriving market-based asset values for a set of advanced economies we gain insights into the capital markets perspectives on sovereign creditworthiness. We...
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I link deviations from forward-spot parity for currencies and commodities. The key is to think of the U.S. dollar as a “commodity.” When commodity spot prices are too high compared to futures, arbitrageurs will short the commodity and bank dollars. When physical scarcity constrains commodity...
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​Using a sample of 161 global banks in 23 countries, we examine the applicability of structural models and bank fundamentals to price global bank credit risk. First, we find that variables predicted by structural models (leverage, volatility, and risk-free rate) are significantly associated...
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I extend the evidence on the basic stylized facts documented for the U.S. variance risk premium (VP) and show that, while VPs in other countries are also positive and time varying, they do not have predictive power for domestic stock returns, in contrast to the implications of existing...
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