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We introduce a novel framework to predict the relative accuracy of sell-side analysts' annual earnings forecasts out-of-sample. Prior studies only evaluate forecasts shortly before the corresponding earnings release. In contrast, our study is the first to provide long-term predictions which are...
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We re-examine dividend growth and return predictability evidence using 165 years of data from the Brussels Stock … Exchange. The conventional wisdom holds that time-varying dividend yield is predominately explained by changes in expected … returns and that expected dividend growth is only weakly forecastable. However, we find robust dividend growth predictability …
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A widely replicated result, using U.S. data, is that dividend-price ratios predict future returns, not future dividend … economy. To further investigate this question, this paper examines the relation between dividend yields, future returns and … dividend growth using current international data. It is found that in some countries, dividend-price ratios predict future …
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This paper studies the impact of banks' dividend restrictions on the behavior of their institutional investors. Using … funds permanently decrease their ownership shares at treated banks during the 2020 dividend restrictions in the Eurozone and … ownership and banks' dividend yield, highlighting again the importance of dividends for European banks' fund investors. This …
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This study presents international evidence on the dividend month premium. In the US, Hartzmark and Solomon (2013) find … abnormally high returns during the months when stocks are predicted to pay a dividend. We test for this predicted dividend month … of the anomaly, though the dividend month forecasting rule also plays a role in explaining abnormal returns …
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We find strong international evidence favoring dividend payout as a salient stock characteristic affecting expected … stock returns. We find that dividend-paying stocks outperform non-payers by 0.54% per month in 44 countries, adjusting for … exposures to global and regional risk factors. The majority of the dividend premium is earned during the ex-dividend months. The …
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We construct a panel of global equity yields by modifying the model of Giglio et al. (2021) so it works internationally. We revisit stylized facts about equity yields, primarily based on US data, and provide several new results. On old facts, we study the dynamics of global equity yields, their...
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We show that dividend growth predictability by the dividend yield is the rule rather than the exception in global … equity markets. Dividend predictability is weaker, however, in large and developed markets where dividends are smoothed more …, the typical firm is large, and volatility is lower. Our findings suggest that the apparent lack of dividend predictability …
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We show that dividend growth predictability by the dividend yield is the rule rather than the exception in global … equity markets. Dividend predictability is weaker, however, in large and developed markets where dividends are smoothed more …, the typical firm is large, and volatility is lower. Our findings suggest that the apparent lack of dividend predictability …
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