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Research has shown that procrastination has signicant adverse effects on individuals, including lower savings and poorer health. Procrastination is typically modeled as resulting from present bias. In this paper we study an alternative: excessively optimistic beliefs about future demands on an...
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In this paper I propose a time-consistent method of discounting hyperbolically and apply it to three canonical … then compare results with those for conventional exponential discounting using the normalization that both methods provide …, time-consistent hyperbolic discounting leads always to a steady state of maximum yield, or, if the environment enters the …
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economically realistic models have led to the application of various forms of economic discounting to the contested resource. This … paper investigates the application of a two-parameter economic discounting method, called generalized hyperbolic discounting …, and characterizes the game’s Nash equilibrium conditions. We prove that for agents discounting such that accumulated value …
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, quasi-hyperbolic discounting as well as subjective failure probability over future payments. We investigate the predictive …
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having solved the Weitzman-Gollier puzzle, concluding from a risk-averse utility maximizing model that Weitzman discounting … discounting is wrong; there is no puzzle if the correct method is used. Risk-neutral discount rates are growing, rather than …
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In this paper I propose a time-consistent method of discounting hyperbolically that contains the discount rate implied … by Gamma discounting as a special case. I apply the discounting method to three canonical environmental problems: (i … with those for conventional exponential discounting using the normalization that both methods provide the same present …
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We investigate whether temporal preferences expressed as a sum of discounted consumption utilities can be derived from a welfare representation in the form of a sum of discounted total utilities. We find that a consumption-based representation in the usual exponential form corresponds to...
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