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This paper generalises Boswijk and Zu (2018)'s adaptive unit root test for time series with nonstationary volatility to a multivariate context. Persistent changes in the innovation variance matrix of a vector autoregressive model lead to size distortions in conventional cointegration tests,...
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In many, if not most, econometric applications, it is impossible to estimate consistently the elements of the white-noise process or processes that underlie the DGP. A common example is a regression model with heteroskedastic and/or autocorrelated disturbances,where the heteroskedasticity and...
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We introduce a statistical test for comparing the predictive accuracy of competing copula specifications in multivariate density forecasts, based on the Kullback-Leibler Information Criterion (KLIC). The test is valid under general conditions: in particular it allows for parameter estimation...
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We develop a new parameter stability test against the alternative of observation driven generalized autoregressive score dynamics. The new test generalizes the ARCH-LM test of Engle (1982) to settings beyond time-varying volatility and exploits any autocorrelation in the likelihood scores under...
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researchers will erroneously conclude that the model is correctly specified even when the degree of misspecification is …
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In this paper we derive tests for parameter constancy when the data generating process is non-stationary against the hypothesis that the parameters of the model change smoothly over time. To obtain the asymptotic distributions of the tests we generalize many theoretical results, as well as new...
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This paper considers a general model specification between a parametric co-integrating model and a nonparametric co-integrating model in a multivariate regression model, which involves a univariate integrated time series regressor and a vector of stationary time series regressors. A new and...
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In duration analysis, the Mixed Proportional Hazard model is the most common choice among practitioners for the specification of the underlying hazard rate. One major drawback of this model is that the value of the frailty term (i.e. unobserved factors) is time-invariant. This paper introduces a...
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out of the model. Although ignoring potential misspecification and lack of identification can be very problematic for …
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Lagged variables are often used as instruments when the generalized method of moments (GMM) is applied to time series data. We show that if these variables follow noncausal autoregressive processes, their lags are not valid instruments and the GMM estimator is inconsistent. Moreover, in this...
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