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. Adding inflation as a second variable, we uncover two states in which expected consumption growth is low, one with high and … one with negative expected inflation. Embedded in a general equilibrium asset pricing model with learning, these dynamics … alternative derivation for a measure of time-varying disaster risk suggested by Wachter (2013), implying that both the disaster …
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measures, resulting from the new model, can be used to implemennt joint risk scenario analysis. …
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the Phillips curve over time. We consider different specifications and different measures for inflation. Furthermore, we ….S. headline inflation has remained empirically relevant over the years. …
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Policymakers and researchers see inflation characterized by cyclical fluctuations driven by changes in resource … utilization and temporary shocks, around a trend influenced by inflation expectations. We study the in-sample inflation dynamics … and forecast inflation out-of-sample by analyzing a New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) in the frequency domain. In …
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Changing time series properties of US inflation and economic activity are analyzed within a class of extended Phillips … models that describe changing patterns in low and high frequencies and backward as well as forward inflation expectation … frequencies are carefully modeled. Modeling inflation expectations using survey data and adding level shifts and stochastic …
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We provide a new way to filter US inflation into trend and cycle components, based on extracting long-run forecasts …, then estimating parameters, and then extracting the stochastic trend in inflation. The trend-cycle model with unobserved … components is consistent with numerous studies of US inflation history and is of interest partly because the trend may be viewed …
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Inflation (PCCI), a measure of underlying inflation in the euro area. The PCCI reflects the view that underlying inflation … component of inflation. Methodologically, it relies on a generalised dynamic factor model estimated on a large set of … disaggregated HICP inflation rates for 12 euro area countries. For each individual inflation rate, we estimate a low …
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We study the relation between inflation and real activity over the business cycle. We employ a Trend-Cycle VAR model to … control for low-frequency movements in inflation, unemployment, and growth that are pervasive in the post-WWII period. We show … that cyclical fluctuations of inflation are related to cyclical movements in real activity and unemployment, in line with …
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The main contribution of this work consist on studying sales behaviour and their relationship with local market conditions like labor market indicators through a time series principal component analysis. We study the correlation structure of a large database on prices and found that all product...
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