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This paper seeks to draw lessons from the IMF’s experience in handling financial crises around the globe over the past ten years that are relevant to the challenges faced by countries in Latin America, especially in the wake of the recent crisis in Argentina. Experience suggests that...
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Good progress has been made in stabilizing the economic and social situation since the crisis. Fiscal adjustment over a prolonged period will bring the public finances to a sustainable path. To protect social expenditures and allow higher public investment, a comprehensive tax reform is...
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Bangladesh achieved steady gross domestic product growth with manageable inflation, and improved social indicators, owing to prudent macroeconomic management and a renewal of structural reform. The proposed Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility-supported program builds on this record of policy...
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The Nigerian financial system underwent a banking crisis in 2008–09, owing to the global financial crisis and domestic events. The decisive crisis response effectively stabilized the banking system, but the challenge now is to devise a credible exit strategy. The Central Bank of Nigeria...
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The Mongolian financial system is dominated by commercial banks. The nonbank financial sector, including insurance and the stock market, is small. The current level of dollarization exposes Mongolia’s financial system to risk. The authorities are in the process of establishing the...
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This technical note focuses on the stress testing exercise in 2010 for the financial sector assessment program based on the existing approaches of the Central Bank of Russia, as well as a separate bottom-up exercise. The tests covered broad ranges of risk factors. The single factor tests...
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Policies implemented over the last decade have strengthened economic fundamentals and brought macroeconomic stability. Major improvements in compliance with the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision and the implementation of International Organization of Securities Commission...
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This paper discusses key findings of the Third Review Under the Stand-By Arrangement for Pakistan. Program implementation has been uneven but key reforms are moving forward. All end-September 2009 quantitative performance criteria were met, with the exception of the ceiling on the overall budget...
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To help economic adjustment in the midst of the global economic crisis, an 18-month Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) was supported by IMF resources. The cause of Mongolia’s crisis in 2008–09 and its resolution and design and outcomes of the program are also discussed. The trigger for...
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The global financial crisis led to an abrupt halt in credit growth, exposed underlying vulnerabilities in the banking sector, and impaired GDP growth in Kazakhstan. Executive Directors commended the authorities for their prudent macroeconomic policies and swift response to the financial crisis....
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