Showing 1 - 10 of 26
Reduced reliance on cash market prices for fed cattle and hogs raise questions about the role of cash prices in price discovery. We use seven years of weekly data from mandatory price reports to determine whether or not cash market prices are cointegrated with other procurement prices and then...
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The paper attempts to examine the market integration with the help of cointegration test on the prices of potato of Hooghly district in West Bengal. The analysis has been made at two levels, namely at the level of wholesale markets and at the retail markets. The cointegration test by Johansen...
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This paper investigate the long-term relationship between the petroleum and vegetable oils prices represented by palm, soybean, sunflower and rapeseed oils prices. To that end, the bivariate cointegration approach using Engle-Granger two-stage estimation procedure is applied. The study utilises...
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In the present empiricalstudy we used the Johansen Maximum Likelihood procedure to evaluate spatial market integration for raw sugar among Colombian, Brazilian and World markets. The Johansen (1988) cointegration approach allowed relating the three market sugar prices in a multivariate...
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Exchange rates have long been thought to have an important impact on the export and importof goods and services, and, thus, exchange rates are expected to influence the price of thoseproducts that are traded. At the same time, energy impacts commodity production in somevery important ways. The...
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Examine the integration between U.S. and Mexican cantaloupe and watermelon prices using cointegration and error correction model approach. Cointegration analysis shows significant post-2002 improvement in market integration, particularly in the speed at which the market adjusts to departures...
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Geographic fed cattle markets are important because cattle are bulky and perishable, and production and consumption areas are separated. These characteristics make cattle transportation costly and can contribute to segmented markets. This study uses USDA-AMS reported fed cattle market price data...
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Although most U.S. tree nuts have very specific and different uses, some substitutability does occur, complicating the price analysis in the tree nut market. We examine the relationships among U.S. tree nut prices using the Johansens cointegration procedure. We found long run equilibrium among...
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Market integration of Finland toward EU has important implication to domestic agricultural policy. Our aim is to estimate the characteristics of the Finnish pork markets in relation to Germany. Our analysis use symmetric and asymmetric threshold error correction models. Pork prices are found...
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Exchange rates have long been thought to have an important impact on the export and import of goods and services, and, thus, exchange rates are expected to influence the price of those products that are traded. At the same time, energy impacts commodity production in some very important ways....
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