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The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of entry into the market for a single commodity in which both sellers …’ payoffs may increase. The conditions under which entry by new sellers raises the equilibrium payoffs of existing sellers are … sellers, and encompass entirely standard economic environments. Similar results are derived relating to the entry of …
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The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of entry into the market for a single commodity in which both sellers …’ payoffs may increase. The conditions under which entry by new sellers raises the equilibrium payoffs of existing sellers are … sellers, and encompass entirely standard economic environments. Similar results are derived relating to the entry of …
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We consider entry of additional firms into the market for a single commodity in which both sellers and buyers are … competition, contrary to the conventional wisdom. We characterize the conditions under which entry by new sellers may raise the …
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We consider entry of additional firms into the market for a single commodity in which both sellers and buyers are … competition, contrary to the conventional wisdom. We characterize the conditions under which entry by new sellers may raise the …
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In this paper we assume a market structure in which there are whole-sellers, retailers and consumers. The product sold to the consumers is initially endowed with the whole-sellers. The whole-sellers value both the product and money. The retailers are not endowed with anything at all. The...
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We prove the existence of symmetric pure Cournot equilibria with heterogeneous goods under the following condition: each firm reacts to a rise in competirors output in such a way that its market price does not rise. This condition is not related to wether goods are strategic substitutes or...
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Abstract Genericity analysis is widely used to show that desirable properties that fail in certain "knife-edge" economic situations nonetheless obtain in "typical" situations. For finite-dimensional spaces of parameters, the usual notion of genericity is full Lebesgue measure. For infinite...
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This paper considers ordered vector spaces with arbitrary closed cones and establishes a number of characterization results with applications to monotone comparative statics (Topkis (1978), Topkis (1998), Milgrom and Shannon (1994)). By appealing to the fundamental theorem of calculus for the...
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This paper analyses comparative statics for first price auctions and all pay auctions with independent private values. In all pay auctions, bidders with low values will respond to a stochastically higher (in the sense of likelihood ratio dominance) distribution of types by playing less...
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