Showing 1 - 10 of 688
Economic growth finally turned positive, but further recovery will be delayed, as fiscal austerity measures and recent floods will weigh on domestic demand. The macroeconomic outlook has weakened and continues to be subject to exceptional uncertainties. With the enactment of the ambitious...
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The current cyclical upswing underscores the potential of the Polish economy with regard to EU accession and in the face of favorable global growth prospects. The current juncture offers good opportunities to lock in improved economic performance. Uncertainties remain regarding reducing the...
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This paper discusses the request from the Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities for a Stand-By Arrangement. The global financial and economic crisis hit Bosnia and Herzegovina when the overheating was already raising doubts about the sustainability of the economic expansion. The authorities’...
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The comprehensive program supported by the IMF, the European Union, and the World Bank has helped Romania in stabilizing its economy, reversing imbalances, rebuilding confidence of international financial markets, and setting a sustainable economic growth. Executive Directors appreciated the...
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Economic activity continues to be robust in 2007, driven by foreign investment in tourism-related construction and services. The central bank (BCSTP) strengthened its efforts to control liquidity growth. Progress on structural reforms has been mixed. The authorities intend to accelerate public...
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This 2006 Article IV Consultation highlights that economic performance of the Czech Republic strengthened during 2005–06, supported by the expanding capacity of the export-oriented automotive sector and a cyclical recovery in the European Union. The momentum of growth has been underpinned...
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Economic activity appears to be recovering, underpinned by a strong policy response. Fiscal consolidation will be crucial to maintain debt sustainability and support the envisaged external adjustment over the medium term. Sound monetary and exchange rate policies are essential to maintain...
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This paper presents Portugal’s third review under the extended arrangement and request for waiver of applicability of end-March performance criteria. The government has initiated labor market reforms, privatizations, telecom sector liberalization, and improved competition framework....
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This paper discusses key findings of the Second and Third Reviews under the Stand-By Arrangement for Romania. Most end-December 2009 quantitative performance criteria were met. The ceiling on the accumulation of domestic arrears at end-September was missed, and preliminary data suggest the...
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This 2005 Article IV Consultation highlights that the annual growth in Poland in 2004 reached 5½ percent, with a surge in growth in the run-up to European Union accession dissipating in the second half of 2004. Both domestic and net external demand contributed to the slowdown. Consumption and...
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