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experiment and introduce another treatment with exogenously determined contract types. Like FHZ we find reference point effects …
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In a hold-up experiment designed to test theoretical predictions following from Hart (1995) and deMeza/Lockwood (1998 … deviations from standard theory can be explained by positive reciprocal behavior. In this paper, we replicate the experiment by … experiment shows that the results by SOS crucially depend on the ownership structure being exogenously assigned by the …
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This is an experimental study of a three-player power-to-take game where a take authority is matched with two responders. The game consists of two stages. In the first stage, the take authority decides how much of the endowment of each responder that is left after the second stage will be...
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period and individuals are not too risk averse. This paper tests the POUM hypothesis by means of a within subjects experiment … inequality aversion are (partially) controlled for via either the experiment design or the information collected during the … experiment. We find that the POUM hypothesis holds under alternative specifications, even when we control for individual fixed …
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experiment that analyzes the influence of other-regarding preferences on sorting and incentives. Experimental evidence shows that …
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representative behavioral data from a social dilemma experiment. We identify which survey questions intended to elicit people's trust … correlate well with behaviorally exhibited trust in the experiment. People above the age of 65, highly skilled workers and …
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Because costly punishment is not credible, subgame perfection suggests that punishment will not deter free riding, regardless of the size or structure of groups. However, experiments show that people will punish free riders, even at considerable cost. To examine the implications of agents who...
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