Showing 1 - 10 of 11
Exponential smoothing is often used to forecast lead-time demand for inventory control. In this paper, formulae are provided for calculating means and variances of lead-time demand for a wide variety of exponential smoothing methods. A feature of many of the formulae is that variances, as well...
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It is a common practice to complement a forecasting method such as simple exponential smoothing with a monitoring scheme to detect those situations where forecasts have failed to adapt to structural change. It will be suggested in this paper that the equations for simple exponential smoothing...
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Compositional time series are formed from measurements of proportions that sum to one in each period of time. We might be interested in forecasting the proportion of home loans that have adjustable rates, the proportion of nonagricultural jobs in manufacturing, the proportion of a rock's...
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Automatic forecasts of large numbers of univariate time series are often needed in business and other contexts. We describe two automatic forecasting algorithms that have been implemented in the forecast package for R. The first is based on innovations state space models that underly exponential...
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In this paper, we model and forecast Australian domestic tourism demand. We use a regression framework to estimate important economic relationships for domestic tourism demand. We also identify the impact of world events such as the 2000 Sydney Olympics and the 2002 Bali bombings on Australian...
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In this article we discuss invertibility conditions for some state space models, including the models that underly simple exponential smoothing, Holt's linear method, Holt-Winters' additive method and damped trend versions of Holt's and Holt-Winters' methods. The parameter space for which the...
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We present an approach to improve forecast accuracy by simultaneously forecasting a group of products that exhibit similar seasonal demand patterns. Better seasonality estimates can be made by using information on all products in a group, and using these improved estimates when forecasting at...
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In this paper we explore the hierarchical nature of tourism demand time series and produce short-term forecasts for Australian domestic tourism. The data and forecasts are organized in a hierarchy based on disaggregating the data for different geographical regions and for different purposes of...
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The vector innovation structural time series framework is proposed as a way of modelling a set of related time series. Like all multi-series approaches, the aim is to exploit potential inter-series dependencies to improve the fit and forecasts. A key feature of the framework is that the series...
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Intermittent demand commonly occurs with inventory data, with many time periods having no demand and small demand in the other periods. Croston's method is a widely used procedure for intermittent demand forecasting. However, it is an ad hoc method with no properly formulated underlying...
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