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Using panel data for the Netherlands, Germany and the UK for seven years in the late 1980s and early 1990s the paper examines the comparative evidence on longitudinal income and persistent poverty for the three countries. Elaborating on the existing methodological literature of income dynamics,...
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The purpose of this paper is to track the development process in Egypt since the early sixties. The paper starts with the broad definition of the development and its goals, then it evolves to the stages of development in Egypt since the first five years plan (1960-1965) passing by the open door...
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This paper is motivated by the inconsistency between food and non-food ex-penditure estimated from household survey data (SUSENAS) and from nationalaccount (I-O table) and its connection on the issue of inequality in Indonesia.Since non-food expenditure tend to be under-estimated when compared...
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This is a fuller but earlier prepublication version of an analysis of stagnation and divergence in the world economy which appeared in Pettifor, A (2003) Real World Economic Outlook, pp152-159. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp152-164. It uses data published by the IMF’s World Economic...
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Economic development is associated with the shift of production from the traditional sector (e.g. traditional agriculture and the urban informal sector) to the modern sector (e.g. modern manufacturing and commercial agriculture). Human capital accumulation, particularly, education and job...
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In der Öffentlichkeit wird oft die These vertreten, daß die zunehmende Ungleichheit der Lohneinkommen ökonomisch geboten, wenn auch gesellschaftspolitisch bedenklich sei. In diesem Beitrag wird gezeigt, daß die Lohnbildung in modernen Arbeitsmärkten nicht dem Prinzip der kompensierenden...
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Meghalaya, a state in the North Eastern India, is inhabited by over 2.3 million of population of which 70 percent are Christian, 13 percent are Hindus and a little over 4 percent are Muslims as obtained in the Census 2001. In this study we investigate if numerical dominance of a community leads...
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This article appeared as ‘Crisis and the Poverty of Nations: Two Market Products Which Value Explains Better’, Symposium on Robert Brenner and the World Crisis, Historical Materialism No.5, Winter 1999, pp 29-77. London: LSE. ISSN 0 9532171 4 0 The original can be referenced at...
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Against the plethora of studies of the factors influencing job satisfaction, this paper makes three contributions. First, in contrast to most studies of job satisfaction which are country-specific, the scope of this paper extends to 33 different countries. Comparing different countries on the...
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The hypothesis is that Pareto and Kaldor-Hicks Efficiency have an aspect of sustainability in relation to inequality. The analysis finds efficient situations reached increasing inequality as diminishing in the long term effective demand in a larger measure than counterbalancing increases thanks...
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