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This paper proposes a measure of real-time inflation expectations based on metadata, i.e., data about data, constructed … from internet search queries performed on the search engine Google. The forecasting performance of the Google Inflation … Search Index (GISI) is assessed relative to 37 other indicators of inflation expectations – 36 survey measures and the TIPS …
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I present evidence that higher frequency measures of inflation expectations outperform lower frequency measures of … inflation expectations in tests of accuracy, predictive power, and rationality. For decades, the academic literature has focused … Michigan Surveys of Consumers. While these measures have been useful in developing models of forecasting inflation, the data …
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Any measure of unobserved inflation uncertainty relies on specific assumptions which are most likely not fulfilled completely. This calls into question whether an individual measure delivers a reliable signal. To reduce idiosyncratic measurement error, we propose using common information...
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Any measure of unobserved inflation uncertainty relies on specific assumptions which are most likely not fulfilled completely. This calls into question whether an individual measure delivers a reliable signal. To reduce idiosyncratic measurement error, we propose using common information...
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inflation, which was unaccounted for in forecasting models. We probe this explanation in the context of a simple backward …
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This paper proposes a methodology to nowcast and forecast inflation using data with sampling frequency higher than monthly. The nowcasting literature has been focused on GDP, typically using monthly indicators in order to produce an accurate estimate for the current and next quarter. This paper...
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The purpose of the article is to evaluate the forecasting performance of dynamic factor models in forecasting inflation …. Such models are very often successfully used for forecasting. Employing several factors instead of a large number of …
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finance; for such tasks as pattern reorganization, and time series forecasting, have dramatically increased. Many central … banks use forecasting models based on ANN methodology for predicting various macroeconomic indicators, like inflation, GDP … ANN model with conventional univariate time series forecasting models such as AR(1) and ARIMA based models and observed …
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finance; for such tasks as pattern reorganization, and time series forecasting, have dramatically increased. Many central … banks use forecasting models based on ANN methodology for predicting various macroeconomic indicators, like inflation, GDP … ANN model with conventional univariate time series forecasting models such as AR(1) and ARIMA based models and observed …
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