Showing 1 - 8 of 8
Die Wirtschaftsleistung im Euroraum hat zuletzt erstmals wieder ihr Vor-Corona-Niveau erreicht. Die konsumbezogene Mobilität war ungeachtet der hohen Infektionszahlen seit Jahresbeginn nur wenig beeinträchtigt, und Frühindikatoren zur Zuversicht von Unternehmen und Verbrauchern zeigten bis...
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Die deutsche Wirtschaft ist abermals heftigem Gegenwind ausgesetzt. Der Krieg in der Ukraine führt zu hohen Rohstoffpreisen, neuen Lieferengpässen und schwindenden Absatzmöglichkeiten. Die hohen Rohstoffpreise verringern die Kaufkraft der verfügbaren Einkommen und dämpfen damit den privaten...
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The German economy is in a downward spiral. The recent price jumps for electricity and gas will reduce the purchasing power of private households and lead to a decline in private consumer spending. In addition, the slowing world economy will dampen not only exports but also investment activity....
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The German economy is working its way out of the energy crisis. In recent months, the economic outlook has improved somewhat. However, overall economic production will increase only moderately. GDP is expected to increase by 0.5 percent in the current year and by 1.4 percent in 2024, slightly...
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Mit dem abermaligen Rückgang des Bruttoinlandsprodukts im ersten Quartal und den zuletzt eingetrübten Konjunkturindikatoren haben sich die Sorgen gemehrt, dass die Nachwehen der Energiekrise und die Straffung der Geldpolitik die Wirtschaft stärker belasten könnten als zuvor erwartet....
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The renewed decline in GDP in the first quarter and the recent deterioration in leading indicators have increased concerns that the aftermath of the energy crisis and the tightening of monetary policy may weigh more heavily on the economy than expected. However, all in all it is more likely that...
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The renewed decline in GDP in the first quarter and the recent deterioration in leading indicators have increased concerns that the aftermath of the energy crisis and the tightening of monetary policy may weigh more heavily on the economy than expected. However, all in all it is more likely that...
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The recovery of the global economy from the Covid crisis came to an end in 2022 amid high energy prices and great uncertainty. While the energy crisis is easing, the effects of monetary policy, which was tightened rather late but then very quickly, are now increasingly weighing on growth. World...
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