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IEl Ãndice Global del Hambre (GHI) de este año muestra que el hambre global ha disminuido desde 1990 –pero no en forma dramática–y permanece en un nivel que se puede considerar como “serioâ€. Los puntajes del GHI varían ampliamente entre los diferentes países y regiones. Los...
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Il Global Hunger Index (GHI) di quest’anno mostra che la fame nel mondo è diminuita dal 1990, ma non in modo notevole, e rimane a un livello classifi cato come “graveâ€. I livelli di GHI variano molto da regione a regione e da paese a paese. I punteggi più alti di GHI si registrano...
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Der Welthunger-Index 2011 zeigt, dass sich die globale Hungersituation seit 1990 geringfügig verbessert hat. Dennoch ist das Ausmaß des Hungers weltweit weiterhin „ernst“. Auf regionaler und nationaler Ebene sind die WHI-Werte sehr unterschiedlich. Die höchsten Werte und damit den...
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From the 1990 GHI to the 2011 GHI, 15 countries were able to reduce their scores by 50 percent or more. Nineteen countries moved out of the bottom two categories – “extremely alarming†and “alarming.†In terms of absolute progress, Angola, Bangladesh, Ethiopia,...
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Le Global Hunger Index 2011 (GHI), ou Indice de la faim dans le monde, est un outil statistique qui permet de mesurer et de suivre l’évolution de la faim dans le monde, pays par pays et région par région. Les conclusions du GHI de cette dernière édition montrent que le nombre de personnes...
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In addition to global developments and food policy changes, 2014 also saw important developments with potentially wide repercussions in individual countries and regions. This chapter offers perspectives on major food policy developments in various regions including Africa, the Middle East and...
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A boa nutrição é fundamental para se construírem vidas saudáveis, meios de subsistência fortes e resilientes, e economias prósperas. Em sua ausência, a construção é feita em areia movediça. Crianças com atraso de crescimento não se desenvolvem adequadamente e, em especial,...
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This paper therefore analyzes agriculture and nutrition linkages in Bangladesh, a country that achieved rapid growth in rice productivity at a relatively late stage in Asia’s Green Revolution, as well as unheralded progress against undernutrition. To do so the authors create a synthetic...
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This 2014–2015 Global Food Policy Report is the fourth in an annual series that provides a comprehensive overview of major food policy developments and events. In this report, distinguished researchers, policymakers, and practitioners review what happened in food policy in 2014 at the global,...
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