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From Rio to Rio: A global carbon price signal to escape the great climate inconsistency Two decades after the 1992 Rio Conference,we must admit to collective failure in combating human induced climate change. We cannot escape serious climate disruption if we keep going down that road. We must...
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Vingt ans après la Conférence de Rio (1992) un constat d’échec s’impose à tous sur le front de la lutte contre les changements climatiques induits par l’activité humaine. Nous ne pourrons pas échapper à un dérèglement grave du climat,en partie déjà amorcé, si nous continuons de...
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Sectoral approaches are proposed as a means to broaden the global scope of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation to developing countries. Market mechanisms are put forward in that context to create incentives for mitigation in developing countries beyond the existing Clean Development Mechanism (CDM),...
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Carbon market mechanisms such as emissions trading systems and crediting mechanisms can have multiple objectives. A key goal is to lower the cost of achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions. Market mechanisms can also catalyse investment in low carbon technologies and practices,...
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This paper reviews proposals for the design of sectoral and related market mechanisms that are being debated both in the UNFCCC negotiations and in different domestic legislative contexts. Decisions on the design and scope of the mechanisms in the UNFCCC negotiations would affect the future...
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