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due to mismeasured variables. We consider sample merger by matching on identifiers that may be imperfect in the case that …
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matching estimators. This representation allows the use of martingale limit theorems to derive the asymptotic distribution of …Matching estimators are widely used in statistical data analysis. However, the distribution of matching estimators has … been derived only for particular cases (Abadie and Imbens, 2006). This article establishes a martingale representation for …
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nonparametric matching and weighting estimators of the average treatment effects and their properties are examined. …
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nonparametric matching and weighting estimators of the average treatment effects and their properties are examined. …
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of selection) in matching, instrumental variable and control functions methods. (2) It contrasts the roles of exclusion … restrictions in matching and selection models. (3) It characterizes the sensivity of matching to the choice of conditioning …. (4) It demonstrates the problem of choosing the conditioning variables in matching and the failure of conventional model …
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-based matching and weighting estimators frequently applied to evaluate the average treatment effect on the treated. We analyse both … ones in terms of size and power for both matching and weighting estimators. Furthermore, the results are qualitatively …
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matching, inverse probability weighting and doubly robust estimators change under the case of correlated covariates …
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This paper builds on the Empirical Monte Carlo simulation approach developed by Huber et al. (2013) to study the estimation of Timing-of-Events (ToE) models. We exploit rich Swedish data of unemployed job-seekers with information on participation in a training program to simulate placebo...
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We propose an optimal-transport-based matching method to nonparametrically estimate linear models with independent …
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This paper builds on the Empirical Monte Carlo simulation approach developed by Huber et al. (2013) to study the estimation of Timing-of-Events (ToE) models. We exploit rich Swedish data of unemployed job-seekers with information on participation in a training program to simulate placebo...
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