Showing 1 - 10 of 53
The extent to which cost changes pass through a vertically organized production process depends on the value added by each producer in the chain as well as a number of other organizational and marketing factors at each stage of production. Using 36 years of monthly Bureau of Labor Statistics...
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This paper aims to investigate the non-linear adjustments of prices between farm and retail prices in the lamb sector in Spain. The methodology used is based on the multivariate approach to specify and estimate a three-regime Threshold Autoregressive Model. Results indicate that in the long-run...
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The nowadays development in agribusiness can be characterised as shifting of power to the finalising levels and distribution in food commodity chains, which influence as well as form competitive environment of farm and also food-processing companies. The dependence of producers (farmers) on...
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Farm, wholesale, and retail prices for beef and pork show significant evidence of asymmetric price interactions. All prices display greater sensitivity to price-increasing shocks than to price-decreasing shocks. The farm beef price, in particular, reacts faster to wholesale price increases than...
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Various scenarios for an expiry of European Union milk quotas are analysed with the Common Agricultural Policy SIMulation (CAPSIM) model. This comparative-static, partial equilibrium modelling tool covering the whole of agriculture for all EU member states has been disaggregated to represent...
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Testing for nature price transmission and calculating elasticities of price transmission are important areas of research for providing insights into market efficiency issues. Symmetric or asymmetric price transmission has been the subject of considerable attention in agricultural economics. The...
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The price transmission between markets is often interpreted as providing insights into the market’s infrastructure efficiency and transaction costs. Thus, finding a possible explanation for the degree of integration has become an issue of special interest. Recent researchers have pointed out...
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In the last two years, Ukraine exported an average of 11 million tons of wheat per year (USDA) and has become an important player in the international wheat market. This paper examines the nature of the short- and long-run wheat price dynamics between Ukraine and other major wheat exporters -...
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The study of marketing margins and price transmission on various commodity markets hasbeen a popular research topic of the past decades (see MEYER, VON CRAMONTAUBADEL,2004, for a recent survey), however with a few exceptions these studiesfocused on developed economies. In this paper we examine...
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A termékpályák tagoltsága, a termékpálya-fázisok eltérő koncentráltságábólfakadó piaci formák a tevékenységi láncban kialakult áralkukat, valamint az elérhető árnyereséget, illetve árveszteséget meghatározzák. A számítási eredményeketa piac szereplőinek...
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