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We study the consequences of substituting rational expectations with rational beliefs (beliefs consistent with observations) in an OLG model of exchange rate formation with stochastic endowments. We consider two types of monetary institutions, one with two currencies, one for each country, the...
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A model is set up in which firms borrow their entire working capital to finance the production of a good which is sold in a market with a random demand side. Limited liability may prevent a rational expectations equilibrium to exist at a given rate of interest, or it may be the cause of...
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This paper attempts to clarify the connection between simple economic theory models and the approach of the Cointegrated Vector-Auto-Regressive model (CVAR). By considering (stylized) examples of simple static equilibrium models, it is illustrated in detail, how the theoretical model and its...
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Campbell and Shiller (1987) proposed a graphical technique for the present value model which consists of plotting the spread and theoretical spread as calculated from the cointegrated vector autoregressive model. We extend these techniques to a number of rational expectation models and give a...
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If a stochastically monotone aggregate of asymmetrically informed agents' expectations of a random variable is common information, then the agents must agree on their expectations. This result is applied to a model of an oligopolistic market where the firms have a common random component of...
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