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In this chapter I argue that as a response to the introduction of capital requirements in the form of risk weights investors might potentially choose riskier portfolios than before the regulation – this is, presumably, not what the regulation intends to achieve. That is, while regulation most...
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This book presents a simple, yet very powerful, conceptual framework, which can be used to estimate market sizes, prices and their interdependency for new products based on historical market data for existing products in related areas. Even in situations where insufficient data is available the...
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Basic causality is that a cause is present or absent and that the effect follows with a success or not. This happy state of affairs becomes opaque when there is a third variable that can be present or absent and that might be a seeming cause. The 2 x 2 x 2 layout deserves the standard name of...
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Myopic loss aversion (MLA) has been established as one prominent explanation for the equity premium puzzle. In this paper we address two issues related to the effects of MLA on risky investment decisions. First, we assess the relative impact of feedback frequency and investment flexibility (via...
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Employing data on Indian banks for 1997-2006, we test the behavior of capital buffers over the business cycle. The evidence indicates that capital buffers exhibit pro-cyclical behavior, although the implied effects are small.
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This paper presents an index of institutionalized social technologies covering its two main dimensions namely Risk reducing technologies and Anti Rent seeking technologies and in turn covers several social, institutional, political and economic aspects. Specifically it attempted to classify and...
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A panel regression gives evidence that more flexibility in Asian exchange rates reduces risk associated with bank borrowing abroad, but deviations from mean exchange rates, and from the renminbi, increase risk. Since the exchange rate regime affects bank behavior and the incentives to hedge, the...
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The ''hot stove effect'' has been studied for repeated-play decision making under uncertainty (also referred to as experience-based decision making) in which the decision makers repeatedly face the Allais-type binary choice problems, and have to learn about the outcome distributions through...
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”Decision making always and necessarily implies human actions, which, when facing an external event (information) must identify the event’s future status and set up the potential action ways leading to suggested goal accomplishment”
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This paper investigates estimation of extreme risk in a number of stock markets in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries , Saudi, Kuwait, and United Arab Emirates, in addition to S& P 500 stock index, using the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) model. The estimated tails parameter...
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