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Recently proposed models of risky choice imply systematic violations of transitivity of preference. Five studies … repeated intransitive patterns. We can retain the hypothesis that transitivity best describes the data of the vast majority of …
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Preferences may arise from regret, i.e., from comparisons with alternatives forgone by the decision maker. We ask whether regret-based behavior is consistent with non-expected utility theories of transitive choice and show that the answer is no. If choices are governed by ex ante regret and...
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We propose the concept of level r consensus as a useful property of a preference profile which considerably enhances the stability of social choice. This concept involves a weakening of unanimity, the most extreme form of consensus. It is shown that if a preference profile exhibits level r...
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<Superscript> <Emphasis Type="Bold">L </Superscript> and identify their type of transitivity. Finally, it is shown that any … transitivity, can be generated by three ordered lists and at least one of the two extreme comparison methods. Copyright Springer …
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This paper identifies the necessary and sufficient condition for the transitivity of the majority rule when individuals …
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Transitivity is a fundamental axiom in Economics that appears in consumer theory, decision under uncertainty, and … social choice theory. While the appeal of transitivity is obvious, observed choices sometimes contradict it. This paper shows … that treatments of violations of transitivity al- ready appear in the rabbinic literature, starting with the Mishnah and …
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