Showing 1 - 10 of 96
Dans ce document, on examine le deplacement des sieges sociaux vers l'etranger de 1999 a 2002. A cette fin, on utilise les donnees du Registre des entreprises de Statistique Canada.
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Dans le present document, les auteurs examinent l'effectif des sieges sociaux dans le secteur de la fabrication au Canada. Ils se penchent sur les caracteristiques qui sont liees a la creation d'un siege social et a la taille de l'effectif de ce dernier. La taille de l'entreprise, le nombre...
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This paper examines the migration of head offices to other countries from 1999 to 2002. It uses data from Statistics Canada's Business Register.
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Il y a mouvement lorsque des entreprises gagnent et perdent des parts de marche dans le cadre de la lutte concurrentielle. La reaffectation des parts de marche d'un groupe a un autre est associee a un gain de productivite puisque les entreprises moins productives perdent des parts et que celles...
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On etudie dans ce document la dynamique de la reaffectation des emplois dans le secteur canadien de la fabrication. Pour cela, on examine le regime et l'ampleur des creations d'emplois, des pertes d'emplois et du renouvellement de l'emploi en raison de la croissance et du declin de quelques...
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Firm turnover occurs as firms gain and lose market share as part of the competitive struggle. The reallocation of market share from one group to another is associated with productivity gain as the less productive lose share and the more productive gain market share. This paper examines the...
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This paper examines head office employment in the Canadian manufacturing sector. It focuses on the characteristics that are related to the creation of a head office and the amount of employment in that head office. Among the characteristics investigated are firm size, number of plants,...
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This paper investigates the dynamics of job reallocation in the manufacturing sector of Canada. It does so by examining the pattern and magnitude of job gain, job loss, and total job turnover due to growth and decline of some firms, and entry and exit of other firms. It also investigates how the...
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This paper examines the long-term labour market premiums associated with completing a college certificate and a bachelor's degree, compared to completing a high school diploma. Several labour market outcomes of individuals are examined with longitudinal data over a 20-year period spanning their...
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With the leading edge of the baby boom generation now in their mid-sixties, there is considerable interest in how and when these individuals will retire. To help place this issue in a broader context, this paper provides information on the employment histories of individuals who were aged 33 to...
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