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In this paper we explore a matched employer-employee data set to investigate the presence of gender wage discrimination in the Belgian private economy labour market. We identify and measure gender wage discrimination from firm-level data using a labour index decomposition pioneered by...
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The paper uses the recent union-firm bargaining literature for a theoretical appraisal of the positive relationship found in some empirical studies between union wages and the constituents of firm’s monopolistic rents. The paper assesses that this relationship depends on many factors, such as...
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We build a multi-sector model with wage bargaining and imperfect competition to analyse the links between wage interdependence and competitiveness. Quantity constraints together with union power, firm market power and wage externalities play a significant role in the determination of...
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This article argues in favor of drawing a distinction between the concepts of labour rationing and unemployment, the former referring to the occurrence of excess supply in a given labour market, the latter to job-waiting activity. In a first part, the literature on the possible consequences of...
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This paper applies a production function approach to the analysis of imperfections in output and factor markets and develops a test of efficient bargaining for wage and employment determination. Based on a translog function defined at the firm level, estimates for the Belgian chemical industry...
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The paper analyses the consequence of introducing (decentralized) union-firm bargaining in the theory of the firm under uncertainty. Contrary to earlier beliefs that short-run output does not change with additive uncertainty, it is shown that risk preference may matter when union-firm bargaining...
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In this paper, I discriminate among alternative models of bargaining for wages and employment (right-to-manage, efficient bargaining and general bargaining models) using Belgian aggregate data. I estimate the ECM representation of a dynamic employment equation for each model using...
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We provide a multi-sector general equilibrium model in which externalities among sectors arise trough decentralized wage bargaining. Without externalities, equilibrium unemployment is only a function of firms’ market power and of demand uncertainty. With externalities, unemployment is higher....
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We develop a model of wage determination with private information in an unionized oligopolistic industry and we use it to compare the outcome of collective bargaining under two different bargaining structures- one in which a single wage is bargained at the industry-level and one in which the...
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Wage and price formation are analysed in a general equilibrium model combining wage bargaining, monopolistic competition, stochastic demand, and technological constraints. The alternative implications of "efficient" and "right-to-manage" models of bargaining are studied. The price-cost margin is...
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